Twas A Few Weeks Before Christmas
'twas a few weeks before Christmas and Mom said to Dad, "What should we get those dear kids that we had.
Who once were small, but now, sakes alive, the oldest is 32 and the youngest 25.
And that's not all, lest someone be missed; there are spouses and grandkids to add to our list.
We love them so dearly, they're just as good as can be, how do we find the perfect gift to put under their tree?
Oh what shall we get? What thing would they like? It sure was easier when it was a ball,doll, or trike.
For Steve, when he's nestled all snug in his bed; there's visions of 4-wheelers that dance in his head.
And what about Jill, what would be a good fit, " Well", said Mom, "I know she loves to crochet, sew and knit."
Then there's James; he always likes the latest gadgets, but how can we know that he doesn't already have it.
"You know", said Dad, "Kim enjoys reading so well, how about one of those new fangled E-books they sell?"
Oh, what could we get that would be good for Curt? If it is was something to do with fishing we know it would work.
But how do we figure out what that "something" would be? It seems he already has everything from A to Z.
A sweater for Jill, some new tool for Steve? We really must hurry; it soon will be Christmas Eve.
"AH!" Dad said,"I got it, I know what it will be, let's give them some green stuff to put under their tree."
And what to do with it, we aren't going to say. They can keep it or spend it or give it away.
This will be great, this will be sweet. Mom especially thinks that this will be neat.
She won't have to shop, she won't have to run. In fact her shopping is nearly already done.
(Well, maybe not yet, she's not quite thru) there's Micah, Megan, Mason and Matthew.
You might think this is selfish and that might be true, but it doesn't mean that we any less love you.
It's just so hard, I hope you can see, to try to figure out what it is that you all really need.
for this reason we send you this gift of green, we're both really excited to see what will be seen
of the gift that you get or the thing that you do, so with all of our love we send this gift to you.