He loves this little switch toy and was playing with it so nicely tonight
I've been on the hunt lately for cute shoes that will go over Matthew's AFO's. Let me tell you, there are not many choices for special shoes that go over AFO's and they are down right UGLY; and you have to buy "normal" shoes 2 sizes big to get them over AFO's and they look big and clumpy, and the ones we've found we still have to fight to get them on and tied. So I had a date with Google, and searched "cute shoes for AFO's" and found one message board out there in cyber land that a poster mentioned "Etnies" worked for her child. Now I'd never heard of them before, so I googled them and they are basically what I call "skater shoes". But they are also cute, darn cute. They make little infant sizes too. So I ordered a pair, one size bigger than his normal shoe. They came this week, and let me tell you they are a BREEZE to put on. They literally slip on. And they are "normal" shoes. NOT special shoes. I'm hooked. They weren't even expensive. This pair below was on sale on their website and I paid 20 bucks for them. I will be buying these from now on. No more ugly shoes. No more Sketchers (that is what the AFO rep gives us) that I have to fight to put on. Just cuteness!

Oh and P.S. if you decide to buy a pair...use the code "Saveetnies" and you'll get an extra 15% off :)---I'm not recieving anything from this...just wanted you all to know about a great deal!
I've been on the hunt lately for cute shoes that will go over Matthew's AFO's. Let me tell you, there are not many choices for special shoes that go over AFO's and they are down right UGLY; and you have to buy "normal" shoes 2 sizes big to get them over AFO's and they look big and clumpy, and the ones we've found we still have to fight to get them on and tied. So I had a date with Google, and searched "cute shoes for AFO's" and found one message board out there in cyber land that a poster mentioned "Etnies" worked for her child. Now I'd never heard of them before, so I googled them and they are basically what I call "skater shoes". But they are also cute, darn cute. They make little infant sizes too. So I ordered a pair, one size bigger than his normal shoe. They came this week, and let me tell you they are a BREEZE to put on. They literally slip on. And they are "normal" shoes. NOT special shoes. I'm hooked. They weren't even expensive. This pair below was on sale on their website and I paid 20 bucks for them. I will be buying these from now on. No more ugly shoes. No more Sketchers (that is what the AFO rep gives us) that I have to fight to put on. Just cuteness!
Glad to hear he is doing better! Have you heard of the Hatchback shoes? They are expensive but they are wonderful! We are in a pair of Etney's too, right now. If you guys have a Ross store near you, try checking them out. I got Faith's there on clearance for $13 and they are super cute!
I can't believe that make Etnies that little...so adorable!!!
I love cute little shoes. Matthew can totally run with the skater crowd now. =)
Ah, it's good to see Matthew smiling again! And looking so fashionable as well!
Welcome back Matthew! Your smile is awesome & yay for stylish shoes that fit over AFO's!!!
You are a googling genius. What a find!
It's good to see that smile again.
I love seeing that smile on Matthew's face. I love the shoes and I'm going to have to check out the website.
Diane, Tyler's mom
Love that happy face!
Joe wears etnies :)
He looks like such a big boy and so happy in his stander!!
I just ordered a pair for Michelle. Im way excited about them. Although the promo code didn't work : ( But still that cute of shoes for so little! Yay!! My pocketbook likes your for such great information.
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