God doesn't give children with special needs to strong people; He gives children with special needs to ordinary, weak people and then gives them strength. Raising a child with special needs doesn't TAKE a special family, it MAKES a special family.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Our appointment this week
We met with Dr. Puccioni and his P.A. around 8 am. They were very informative and were able to look at the fetal MRI that I had done around 23 weeks. They said that a MRI would be done on the baby the day he's born and they'll form a plan from there. He said most likely the plan will be a shunt within 24 hours. He also told us shunts malfuction or plug up very frequently. He said we have a 75% chance of the shunt malfuctioning within a year. That was a bit disheartening; but the Dr. said that a shunt is really our only option for a child under a year old. The surgery will take around 45 minutes and he does this surgery very routinely.
Once he hits a year old, we can have a different plan of attack. He states that if/when the shunt malfunctions after 1 year of age he can do what is called an "endoscopic third ventriculostomy" or ETV. Basically this is a procedure that would open the ventricles that are blocked into another area that is not blocked by way of laser. This would end his need for a shunt as the fluid would drain through this new hole to where it needs to go. This cannot be done before 1 year of age because it only has a 20% success rate in children under 1 year old (it frequently closes on newborns). He said his success rate with ETV after 1 year of age is 80%. That was very promising for us.
I hope that's not too much medical jargon; but basically that was the synopsis of our appointment. I was very impressed with Dr. Puccioni; not only for his knowledge; but also his wonderful "bedside manner". I know our baby boy will be in the best of hands when he is born. We have an excellent team set up for the two of us. We are feeling VERY blessed!
I hope our next blog will have pictures. Maybe I'll post some pictures of the fun things the kids are doing!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Omaha appointment
We also got a tour of the labor and delivery and the NICU while we were there. That was very comforting to get to meet some of the nurses and see where we will be staying. We were able also to visit with my cousin's husband Dr. Minderman, who is one of the neonatologists at Children's/Methodist Hospital. It will be nice to have a familiar face while at the hospital.
So, really, nothing too new, but thought it was worthy of at least an update
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Another ultrasound today!
The good news though, is the amniotic fluid around the baby is down to 22. It was 20 at 20 weeks and had jumped to 27 at 24 weeks. Normal is less than 18. Having excess amniotic fluid goes along with hydrocephalus and I was getting a little worried that if it kept increasing at that rate I would be VERY uncomfortable by the end of this pregnancy. My belly measures the same as someone full term already so I didn't know what I was going to look like or feel like by the end, since I still have 11 or so weeks left.
They took more 4d pictures of him, and, my has he changed!! Steve says he looks like Micah now, ha!! I don't know, I just still think he has Megan's nose.
By the way, the "spot" on his head is just where he is smashed up against me, not a matching birthmark with Daddy!
The doctor then talked about going to Omaha and getting the appointments set up for the perinatologist and the pediatric neuosurgeon. His wonderful nurse, Jenny, had the appointments set up before I left. We'll see the perinatologist on Monday and the neurosurgeon on March 27th. I'm looking forward to meeting these people and starting to get some things in line. I'll update on those appointments as they happen.
I'll leave you with one last picture. This is me taken this week. I figured I better take some pic's of this belly before it's over. I had come home from work this weekend and Mason came up to me, lifted my shirt, and exclaimed,
So I guess that should be the title of this picture! ha!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Stem Cell Therapy
Monday, March 10, 2008
Baby boy Soldatke