Hard to believe how much our lives have been changed since his arrival. It's hard to remember what it was even like before.
Sometimes I sit and daydream about what our life would be like had Matthew been born "typical". What would it be like to have an active, busy 2 year old around the house? Talking and walking and getting into everything, annoying his brothers and sister. Just typing that makes me a bit teary. I see other boys that about Matthews age running around and wonder if their parents truly appreciate the normalcy that they have.
But our lives have also changed for good. Matthew has given us a perspective we would have never gotten otherwise. To appreciate each day. To be in awe at the kindness of strangers. To be in even more awe at the support from friends. To be brought to tears because of the depth of love from our families.
I've made so many friendships had it not been for Matthew. Friendships I cherish. I belong to a new club. One I didn't exactly ask to join. One most of my friends that have always known me don't understand and can't join. But that's okay.
Matthew has so much joy and has taught me so much. Would I change it? Yes and no. I would not change the life lessons I have learned. I would not change the fact that Matthew is here. I would only wish to change the pain and struggles Matthew has gone through.
I am not the same person I was 2 1/2 years ago. I hope I am a better person because of Matthew. I know I am stronger.
And if Matthew can go through all he goes through, and still have the sweetest personality and a big smile on his face; then who am I to complain?? He is content...and is teaching me the same.