Steve and I were newlyweds!
To the most wonderful man, through good and not so good times :) Thanks for always being there and walking this journey with me. Love ya,
P.S. Our dear cousin, Jill, sent me an email wishing us a happy anniversary and said that she hoped we were doing something romantic tonight. Well quite the opposite. Steve has an infected root canal (y--ouch!!) and I am taking care of a cranky baby who is need of surgery. NO ROMANCE, not even close :( Our special days have been like that this year. My 30th birthday (my GOLDEN birthday) spent in the NICU. Micah's 10th birthday; spent on bedrest. Our anniversary; spent playing nurse to husband and son. But, on the bright side, each of those special days I did get to spend with someone special to me, and that's what important, right??
Happy Anniversary!!!
I totally relate to the 'business as usual' kind of special day. Donald and I will probably go out to dinner for our anniversary next month....with 3 kids! Oh well, like you said, at least it will be with the ones I love most!
Enjoy your day!
Happy Anniversary!!
I can understand about having unusual special days. Mike and I spent our anniversary day taking Cayman to the Pediatrician. Together is good!
Wishing your boys to be well and feeling better!
Love the wedding pictures. It was fun to see the "then" and the "now's" :o)
The Best to you Jill and Steve. May you have many more years of happiness together. We celebrate 30 this year in October. It goes by fast. Before you know it Steve will be walking Megan down the aisle. Well, maybe not that fast. Our best to you all.
Happy Anniversary! You two are so cute in the photos! We will definitely have to get together soon. I think meeting at a park sounds great. Just let me know when is a good time for you. I only have *2* kids, so it won't be as tricky for me to find time :) I don't remember what time our appointment is on the 29th, but I'm pretty sure it is in the morning, so maybe we'll see you!
Our appointment is at 10am on the 29th so there is a really, really good chance we'll see eachother!
I love Matthew's baby announcement ;)
Hope he's doing well.
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